Our original shoulder bags are handmade using a combination of high quality leather and windsurfing sailcloth. The cut of the sailcloth makes each bag unique. There are never two identical bags!
These bags are designed with the user in mind: The accessible back pocket and outside pen-pockets makes it perfect for everyday carry. The shoulder strap is wider over the shoulder to soften the weight, and the lid can be quick closed with Velcro or secured by locks. The handle is placed in a way that does not interfere with the use of the bag, even when heavily packed.
The inside contains an ipad or MacBook Air pocket, two passport sized pockets and a large compartment. Under the lid on the front are one or two zipped pockets, depending on model.
The handle and zippers are hand knotted with paracord in a color of your choice!
- Uniquely designed with re-used windsurfing sailcloth, sturdy natural leather and handcast brass details
- Chose big size for office use, and small size for everyday carry
- Shoulder strap is wider over shoulder to avoid digging into the shoulder when bag is heavy
- Easy to reach backside pocket even wen lid closed
- Outside pen-pockets on the sides
- Zipped outside pockets securely covered by lid
- Velcro and/or lid lock
- Ipad/computer pocket inside
- Many more intelligent features